Monday, May 21, 2012

one month = 31 days!

Ladies and Gentlemen,
the countdown has begun.
—well technically I've been counting down since we got engaged—
but I mean, the FINAL countdown has begun.
I cannot believe that this engagement has gone by so quickly.
4 months down, 1 to go.
It's almost like the closer that it gets, time slows down even more.
We're sending our announcements out this week and then it's
just fine-tuning for the wedding plans until the big day!

(I even threw in some engagement sneak peaks!!)

But, most importantly,
  there are only 28 days until I get to see, and hug, and kiss,
and then marry my big spoon, boyfriend, fiance, dreamboat...
you get the point!!!
I.can. NOT.wait


Kylee Jan said...

chobby! i am so stinking excited for you! those pictures are ADORABLE! love ya!

Madeline said...

And I just hit one month of marriage! You have every reason to be that excited. Love and miss you!